Kinky and Beast Title :The Kinky and the Beast
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Meet & Greet
play parties

PLayrules  Quiz

The playrules for ‘The Kinky and the Beast - play party’ (from:
Basic Rules
  • If alcoholic drinks are served at the party: Alcohol diminishes your ability to judge as well as your capacity of reaction. In order to enable players to play with sober play-partners we request that everyone who consumed alcohol or drugs inform their play-partners of this in advance.
  • Photographing, filming and recording are forbidden.
  • Arguments and discussions have to take place outside the play-area.
  • Bring towels to cover places which others might be using after you.
  • After finishing your play please clean up after yourselves.
  • Reservation of equipment by placing personal items on them is forbidden except in the direct preparation of a play.
  • Everyone (bottom or top) is responsible for herself! Please announce physical or psychological handicaps or sensitivities in advance and negotiate before the scene (especially if you're going to play with a new play-partner)!
  • No touching of participants or their belongings without their permission. Joining of an ongoing scene only by permission of the players.
  • Gossiping only at the bar (if you must)! Commenting on scenes played by others is forbidden.
  • After the party: please be discrete about scenes you weren't part of. Don't name names!
  • Good news: Watching is permitted (as long as it is fun for all participants!), but if players need the space to play: they come first!
  • Party safe words are ‘yellow’ (‘something is wrong, please check in’) or ‘red’ (‘stop the scene’). They should be used by everyone unless, of course, you have your own safe words.
  • Safer sex, only! This means: please use condoms, dental dams, gloves and disinfection!
  • Needles and scalpels have to be put into the sharps-containers after use!
  • In case you are playing with blood: put Band-Aids over open wounds after the scene. Toys and play-areas have to be disinfected after the scene.